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The course program is exclusively designed to provide an overall view on trade financing from Islamic perspectives which also emphasis on marketing trade finances products. It will cover all major aspects of Islamic trade financing practised in the Islamic financial market today. The course will equip the participants with comprehensive, practical and up-to-date knowledge on Islamic trade financing products and instruments. It will give more informations and latest issues as well as development on the practical and operational aspects on trade financing i.e. Shariah, accounting and legal. Finally, the program aim is to equip the participants with comprehensive, practical and up-to-date knowledge on marketing Islamic trade financial products and instruments.
HIBI Higher Institute for Islamic Banks & Financial Institutions (Malaysia)
Higher Institute for Islamic Banks & Institutions HIBI is one of the major international institutes in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. And the largest seat of higher education in the Fareast area. It is a major international center for an excellent integration of Islamic Studies with the General Studies and Studies of Islamic Finance & sharia.
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