Home » Courses » Financial Management » IBM Training
This course delves into the structure, management and practices of investment banking (IB)— from larger more universal players to boutique operations. It covers the business activities of mergers and acquisitions, financing and investment; and, the creation of value through financial advisory services. It looks into the business practices of private equity, hedge funds and trading operations; and, the role of each in facilitating investment, the deployment of capital and the changing face of risk-taking activities. The course emphasizes the role of the IB financial advisor and his/her importance in securing and facilitating IB business opportunities. This course is about the businesses of investment banking.
International Financial Institution Society (IFIS - USA)
IFIS is a global network of professional services organization providing Financial, Client Solutions, Assets Management and Accreditation services. We have 62,000 outstanding professionals working together to deliver value in 15 countries.
The council believes that the ideal platform for communication, networking, and information sharing, which gathers today under its umbrella, the elite Arabs working in the Arab World and internationally - has fostered mutual cooperation among its members and strived to serve their common interests and goals thus reinforcing the Arab Banking and finance industry. It further represents a main drive for synergizing Arab competencies
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IACPA- International Arab Certified Public Accountant
ECPA-Emirates Certified Public Accountant
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