Home » Courses » Arbitration » Medical Malpractice Inter- Medicine and Law
The course will include topics in the nature and attributes of medical malpractice, various types of medical malpractice and methodologies in determining medical negligence, the code of ethics and the responsibilities of healthcare providers, medical liability as a system of quality control and improvement, forensic medicine and more.
Emirates Association for Lawyers & Legal
It is the first association in this field that aims to promote the profession of being a legal counsel or consultant through fine-tuning expertise of accrediting organizations that train individuals to be on the top level of expertise. The organization achieved this through enlightenment and development of legal training.
High Authority Council for Arab Jurists (HACAJ) Council is the highest governance organ of the AAS legal Section, determining its strategy and policy, and deciding on the allocation of resources to its various programs.
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IACPA- International Arab Certified Public Accountant
ECPA-Emirates Certified Public Accountant
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