Home » Courses » Arbitration » CLT Certified Legal Trainer
First in the Middle East, Arab Arbitration Society (AAS) under the Higher Authority Council for Arab Jurists (HACAJ)
proudly introduces a certification for Legal Trainers.
The Arab Society for arbitration pioneer in legal education for lawyers Advanced Arabs, and in research, and work in the field of public policy. Employees of the rehabilitation program (Coach Certified) they can follow-up studies, comprehensive and multi-disciplinary or focus their studies in the area of certain objective, such as workers and labour law, and the settlement of commercial disputes different kinds, and international law, and the criminal justice system, and the Constitutional and Administrative Law, or the legal system in the states Middle East in general.
Arab Arbitration Society (AAS)
International arbitration sector in all aspects, is an integral part of the law and the business sector in the world ,the Arab Arbitration Society it’s the bridge of communications.
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