Home » Courses » Arbitration » Certified Legal Affairs Manager
This intensive management course in legal gives an opportunity to critically analyse different legal department structures, models and objectives to enable participants to determine ways to improve their performance.
CLAM training course explores the evolving complex responsibilities of an in-house legal department and the importance of good people management. Participants, law and finance professionals, will learn how to develop and implement a balanced and flexible remit which will enable them to respond rapidly to ever changing business demands while adding demonstrable value to the business.
Legal best practice covered during this course will help participants efficiently develop and operate within an effective risk management framework and assess independence and commerciality issues, including privilege, effective written communication, influencing decision-makers and communicating persuasively for business.
Lahaye Institute of Human Rights and International Law
Situated in Lahaye Netherlands. Lahaye Institute for Human Rights and International Law (LIHRIL) is established to provide its students and clients professional training in subjects dealing with human rights and international law.
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IACPA- International Arab Certified Public Accountant
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