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From IASCA Website:
"An Arab accredited professional certificate aiming at providing Arab accountants with the highest qualifications
The curriculum for the qualification of the International Arab Certified Accountant (IACPA) has been developed, in collaboration with a group of consultants from IASCA, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Certified General Accountants Association in Canada (CGA–Canada), European Commission, the Federation International des Experts Compatibles Francophone (FIDEF), the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS), the Polish Accounting Standards Board and the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), as well as representatives of academic and international accounting firms acting in their personal competenceto comply with the international curriculum issued by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). "
International Arab Society of Certified Accountants (IASCA) An Arab regional professional society dedicated to
the promotion of the highest accounting, auditing and ethical standards and to capacity building through the
institution of globally recognized educational and examination qualification programs.
IACPA examinations shall be conducted once at the end of every year. Each examination’s duration is three hours. A candidate sits for the exam in all the required papers from the first time. The candidate has to sit for the rest of the papers and/or the papers he/she has failed in the second and third sessions during the three exam session periods since his/her registration. If he/she passes any paper of the four, he/she shall not re-sit for it again; otherwise, if he/she fails, he/she has to re-sit for all the papers.
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IACPA- International Arab Certified Public Accountant
ECPA-Emirates Certified Public Accountant
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