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The Certified Public Accountant (CPA) examination is the most established and recognized professional accounting designation. The benefits include higher salary, increased confidence and competence, and recognition as a member of an elite group of professionals. The opportunities available to a CPA are positions in a government or not-for-profit organization, a public or private company, or an accounting firm. No matter what your career goals are, becoming a CPA can help you achieve them faster. Arab Institute (AIAL) will help you achieve your international CPA designation through an intensive course preparation. We are also providing the students, books and test preparation software directly from US CPA headquarters.
The AICPA is the national professional organization of CPAs. It determines/prepares the content and scoring of the uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination.
The U.S. CPA exam is being offered internationally for the first time as a service to foreign nationals in response to rapidly escalating international demand for U.S. CPA licensure.
The CPA Examination application process is basically the same for U.S. and international candidates. In order to qualify to take the CPA Examination outside the U.S., candidates will have to establish their eligibility through a State Board participating in the International CPA Examination Administration program.
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IACPA- International Arab Certified Public Accountant
ECPA-Emirates Certified Public Accountant
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