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Transitioning from staff auditor to manager of an audit team means learning and mastering an entirely new skill set. Audit managers must not only be efficient auditors, but also effective communicators, teachers, and active listeners. This course focuses on providing new managers with the tools they need to lead effectively in an auditing environment.
Through practical exercises and case studies, participants will learn how to manage the roles and relationships of the diverse parties involved in the auditing process. Participants will learn how to maintain lines of communication with the CAE and executive management, and problem solve while motivating a team and delegating tasks.
Chartered Institute for Certified Public Accountants(CICPA - USA)
The Chartered institute of certified public Accountants of USA (CICPA) is a
statutory body established under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1962
(Act No. XXIVI of 1962) for the regulation of the profession of Chartered Accountants in USA.
During its 55 years of existence, CICPA has achieved recognition as a private international accounting body not
only in the country but also globally, for its contribution in the fields of education, professional development,
maintenance of high accounting, auditing and ethical standards. CICPA now is the one of largest accounting body in the whole world.
HACCA is a world leading professional membership organisation that promotes,
develops and supports chartered accountants worldwide.
We provide qualifications and professional development, share our knowledge,
insight and technical expertise, and protect the quality and integrity of the
accountancy and finance profession.
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IACPA- International Arab Certified Public Accountant
ECPA-Emirates Certified Public Accountant
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